Vicki and Chrissy

Vicki and Chrissy

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Apples and Brushes Rewards

We want to continue to thank parents and campers for their support of Apples and Brushes Jr.  The more camps your child attends, the more rewards he/she can earn!!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The BEST part about Art Camp from our Campers!

"I liked everything!" Elena

"My favorite part was the origami fish." Maggie

"I like performing the Lorax." Emmie

"I loved painting the canvas." Ella

"I thought the origami fish were cool." Addison

"I liked making the paper mache balloons." Sarah

"My favorite part was folding paper to make the origami fish." Avery

"I liked the way we made the fish for One fish two fish red fish blue fish. " Ellie

"The paper mache balloons were my favorite part about art camp." Elizabeth

"I like everything that we did, it all was my favorite!" Aiden

"My favorite part was doing art with Ms Baker and my mommy!" Brooke

"My favorite thing was doing the paper mache." Morgan

December Art Camp

Fall Art Camp

To celebrate our last week of camp, the students did a Readers Theater performance of Turkey Trouble. Afterwards we had a cast party and art walk. The parents loved seeing their child's artwork on display!

 Art Walk